{"id":1195,"date":"2008-10-05T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2008-10-04T14:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/2008\/10\/05\/news_item-2008-10-06-4325\/"},"modified":"2023-01-18T10:45:52","modified_gmt":"2023-01-18T00:45:52","slug":"news_item-2008-10-06-4325","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/news_item-2008-10-06-4325\/","title":{"rendered":"“HIV is a virus not a crime” Australian HIV Orgs Respond, 19 September 2008"},"content":{"rendered":"

"Australian HIV Organisations today demand decriminalisation of HIV, including sex work," Janelle Fawkes, CEO Scarlet Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association said today.<\/span> <\/p>\n

The recent XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico (1) and the 20th Annual Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Conference in Perth have renewed the international focus on effective HIV prevention and the important role of human rights. There is more evidence now than ever regarding HIV transmission, impact and effective prevention programs. <\/p>\n

Criminalisation is not and has never been an effective public health response to HIV prevention. It does not reduce HIV transmission – and the resulting stigma and discrimination increase barriers to effective health promotion. Current laws in certain Australian jurisdictions counteract the promotion of condoms, lubricant and shared responsibility, and the uptake of HIV testing and treatment, and therefore undermine effective public health. <\/p>\n

HIV positive people live with full human rights that confirm their sexuality and relationships. <\/p>\n

Australia has clear National Guidelines that identify a comprehensive process across government, community and health services to respond effectively in the rare cases where an individual is placed at risk of HIV, with legal action as a last resort. <\/p>\n

Therefore we declare that:<\/p>\n