{"id":1226,"date":"2012-02-01T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2012-01-31T14:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/2012\/02\/01\/news_item-2012-02-02-4312\/"},"modified":"2022-08-31T13:38:50","modified_gmt":"2022-08-31T03:38:50","slug":"news_item-2012-02-02-4312","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/news_item-2012-02-02-4312\/","title":{"rendered":"Scarlet Alliance “Australia’s anti-trafficking response must be redirected,\u00a0Raids and rescue approach does not work – comprehensive prevention plan is the answer” 3 Feb 2012"},"content":{"rendered":"

Scarlet Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association calls for Australia’s anti-trafficking response to be redirected with a shift to a rights based prevention approach. Speaking the day after a high profile arrest Janelle Fawkes said ‘Raids and rescue type approaches have consistently not uncovered victims of trafficking – they are a failed approach and must be recognised as a waste of resources. Fortunately with a regulatory system like NSW’s decriminalised sex industry people can come forward and report alleged crime’.<\/span> <\/p>\n

"The small number of victims of trafficking in the sex industry in Australia have been identified when those individuals seek assistance from friends, colleagues, clients, police and support agencies. They have not been identified through raid and rescue approaches" said Janelle Fawkes, Scarlet Alliance spokesperson.<\/p>\n

"That people are able to come forward demonstrates support is available and utilised when needed. It also demonstrates the value of a decriminalised sex industry."<\/p>\n

"While it may be police process to raid a number of locations once a person has alleged a crime, raids of sex industry businesses have not identified further victims," Janelle Fawkes continued. "This demonstrates to us that a raid and rescue approach is not what is needed."<\/p>\n

Scarlet Alliance has advocated for the Australian Government to consider a comprehensive prevention approach that –<\/p>\n