{"id":5384,"date":"2018-02-09T04:34:02","date_gmt":"2018-02-08T18:34:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/?post_type=publication&p=5384"},"modified":"2022-11-08T04:39:51","modified_gmt":"2022-11-07T18:39:51","slug":"submission-on-the-modernisation-of-the-northern-territory-nt-anti-discrimination-act-1993-the-act","status":"publish","type":"publication","link":"https:\/\/scarletalliance.org.au\/library\/submission-on-the-modernisation-of-the-northern-territory-nt-anti-discrimination-act-1993-the-act\/","title":{"rendered":"Submission on the Modernisation of the Northern Territory (NT) Anti- Discrimination Act 1993 (the Act)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Scarlet Alliance written submission on the Modernisation of the Northern Territory (NT) Anti- Discrimination Act 1993 (the Act) on August 22, 2022.<\/p>\n

Stigma and discrimination against sex workers is perpetuated in a vast number of interrelated ways. Although some forms of discrimination will require the full decriminalisation of sex work in the NT, providing sex workers with comprehensive anti-discrimination protections will send a clear message that discrimination against sex workers is unlawful and there are practical legal avenues to redress it. While the full decriminalisation of sex work is optimal for the rights, health and safety of all sex workers, the presence of anti discrimination protections remain crucial regardless of legal frameworks. A number of states and territories have introduced anti-discrimination protections with the intention of providing protection for sex workers. However, unforeseen gaps in legislation have left many sex workers unable to utilise existing protections to redress discriminatory conduct.<\/p>\n

Scarlet Alliance supports the inclusion of anti discrimination protections for sex workers as a vital step forward in protecting the basic human rights of a community subject to extreme stigma and discrimination in many facets of our daily lives. The proposed introduction of meaningful anti discrimination coverage for sex workers in NT is a significant opportunity to provide protections for sex workers from discrimination, harassment and vilification. Additionally the proposed representative complaints model will support a complaints process that is accessible to a broader range of people and able to address systemic forms of discrimination. However for the anti discrimination protections to be truly accessible to sex workers, \u201csex work\u201d and \u201csex worker\u201d must be included as main attributes.<\/p>\n

Sex workers experience a range of direct and indirect, personal and systemic discrimination. These include, but are not limited to:<\/p>\n