Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance "Submission to the Sex Industry Act Review" Tasmania November 2008

In November 2008 Scarlet Alliance conducted a brief
questionnaire with sex workers to get direct feedback about the Tasmanian Sex Industry Offences Act and its impact on sex workers. Sex workers were selected to include representation from all the major regional
areas across the state. A total of 10 sex workers were interviewed in-person or over the phone.
The views expressed in the questionnaires have been incorporated into this submission.

This submission also incorporates anecdotal evidence contributed by sex workers over the course
of the two year Scarlet Alliance Chlamydia Awareness for Sex Workers Health (CASH) project
which drew to a close recently. The final phase of the project included a sex worker only forum
and a separate community forum where local sex workers raised their concerns and described a
number of key issues impacting on their lives, which are also touched on within this report.