Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet News:

Asian migrant sex workers respond to unjust verdict on the death of Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon

Nov 7, 2024 | AMSWAG, Community Update, Media release, News

The Asian Migrant Sex Worker Advisory Group’s response to the unjust verdict on the death of two Asian Migrant Sex Workers, Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon.

Today, the Victorian Supreme Court accepted the plea deal struck between the Victorian police and the murderer of two Asian migrant sex workers, Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon.

This outcome is a disgrace to sex workers, migrants, and women everywhere, and reaffirms the dehumanisation sex workers in the legal framework. Empathy has only been given to the murderer, not to the victims. To this day, our community has yet to hear the real story of Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon.

As sex workers, we stand strong in our commitment to continue the fight for justice for our community members. The fight for justice does not end when the final hearing is held, and we continue to fight for actual change in our lives.

We demand real change to the conditions that lead to these tragic outcomes, from horrifically racist and sexist media reporting to the continuous criminalisation of our community.

Asian Migrant Sex Workers share our grief with all who are dear to Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon.