This submission outlines why Scarlet Alliance does not support the proposed amendments to the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012. The proposed bill aims to lower the threshold of proof and increase the...
Publications Library
Scarlet Alliance "Submission on the Regulation of the Sex Industry in Tasmania
This submission outlines how decriminalisation: supports best practice occupational health and safety and human rights for sex workers; results in strong public health outcomes; and ensures that people are able to make a choice to enter sex work as a legitimate...
Scarlet Alliance "Submission on Spent Convictions Act, SA"
This submission outlines Scarlet Alliance's concerns about the exemption of sex work related convictions from the eligibility criteria of the Spent Convictions Act. Part 1, Section 5 of the Act under the heading ‘Scope of the Act’ 2b states that a sex offence cannot...
Scarlet Alliance "Sexual Slavery Signs in Victorian Brothels"
This submission outlines a number of concerns Scarlet Alliance has about the content and effectiveness of the sexual slavery signs as required by the Sex Work Act 1994 since December 2010. We believe the signs are unnecessary in that they do not improve the lives or...
Scarlet Alliance "Submission on Spent Convictions Act (SA) 2009"
This submission outlines Scarlet Alliance and our membership's concerns around the exemption of sex work related convictions from the eligibility criteria of the Spent COnvictions Act. Part 1, Section 5 of the Act under the heading ‘Scope of the Act’ 2b states that a...
Scarlet Alliance "Submission to Steph Key on SA Law Reform" 2012
This submission explains why diverging from decriminalisation in South Australia is dangerous. Ongoing problems are created when legislators attempt to move away from decriminalisation. The introduction of new offences and penalties involves drafting new requirements,...
Scarlet Alliance Strategic Plan 2006-2009
This Strategic Plan captures Scarlet Alliance as an organisation effectively working toward becoming an independent, autonomous national sex worker organisation whose activities are resourced through a variety of sources. Scarlet Alliance will act as a best practice...
Submission "Review of NSW Planning Laws" Nov 2011
Minister Brad Hazzard has commissioned an independent review of NSW complex and outdated planning system.
Scarlet Alliance "Information Pack on proposed Sex Industry Laws for WA" July 2011
Information Pack on proposed Sex Industry Laws for WA You may have heard about the laws changing for sex workers and the sex industry in WA.
Scarlet Alliance "Submission to Western Australia" 2011
The Western Australian Prostitution Bill 2011 is not a workable model of sex industry regulation for Western Australia, because of the significant barriers the laws themselves will create, and will be at significant expense to the taxpayer. The Prostitution Bill poses...
Scarlet Alliance "Submission to WA Law Reform Committee" 2006
The State Attorney General, Jim McGinty, called for submissions to a Parliamentary Committee in late 2006, to consider future directions for sex industry law reform in that state. The Terms Of Reference for the committee does not include street based sex work, and as...
Scarlet Alliance "Submissions into forced and servile marriage in Australia" 2011
Scarlet Alliance strongly recommends a substantial time and financial investment be made into community organisations who represent those perceived to be affected by forced and servile marriage prior to the discussion of legislative and/or non-legislative means to...