Member organisations
Scarlet Alliance Member Organisations are sex worker peer organisations – where all staff and leadership/decision-making bodies are sex workers past or present. Scarlet Alliance Associate Member Organisations are organisations for sex workers who may/do not currently have 100% sex workers as their leadership and/or employed as their staff. Organisational members are re-credentialed by Scarlet Alliance as per the Constitution, using the credentialing tool.
Australian Capital Territory

SWOP ACT is a peer-based community organisation whose primary purpose is the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), through education and referral.
Phone: (02) 6257 2855
Mobile: 0427 475 671
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Ngunnawal, Ngunawal and Ngambri land
85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT 2612
(Located in the MERIDIAN office, Havelock House)
PO Box 5245, Braddon ACT 2612
New South Wales

SWOP NSW is a community-based peer education sex worker organisation focused on HIV, STI and Hepatitis C prevention, education and health promotion for sex workers in NSW.
Phone: (02) 9184 9466
Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesday: 2pm – 6pm
Gadigal Country
7/110 Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
PO Box 1354, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Vixen is Victoria’s peer only sex worker organisation.
Phone: (03) 9070 9050
Mobile: 0414 275 959
Tuesday – Friday: 12pm to 6pm
5 Merrifield St, Brunswick
(Entry at the back of Harm Reduction Victoria office)
Scarlet Alliance lutruwita (Tasmania) Sex Worker Project
The lutruwita (Tasmania) Sex Worker Project is an outreach project of Scarlet Alliance.
Phone: 0451 835 897
Outreach mobile: 0481 264 925
4 Battery Square
Battery Point TAS 7004
South Australia

SIN is the South Australian Sex Industry Network (SIN). SIN is by sex workers for sex workers and offers peer support, education, information, advocacy and referral services for sex workers.
Phone: (08) 8351 7626
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Kaurna Country
220 South Road, Mile End SA 5031
Respect Inc

Our vision is for sex work to be recognised as work and as such fully decriminalised. We envisage a society where we as sex workers have equal status in society and are free to pursue our occupational safely, on our own terms without fear of criminalisation, stigma or discrimination.
Meeanjin (Brisbane)
Phone: (07) 3835 1111
Mobile: 0424 657 064
Monday – Thursday: 12pm – 5pm
Level 1, 76 Wickham St
Fortitude Valley
PO Box 2470, New Farm QLD 4005
Yugambeh (Gold Coast)
Phone: (07) 5564 0929
Mobile: 0401 969 223
Tuesday – Friday: 12pm – 4pm
Yugambeh and Kombumerri land
Level 1/3 Davenport St, Southport QLD 4215
(Free 2 hour parking at nearby shops)
Gimuy (Cairns)
Phone: (07) 4051 5009
Mobile: 0413 571 394
Tuesday – Thursday: 12pm – 4pm
7/24 Florence St, Cairns City QLD 4870
(Private parking out back)
Northern Territory

SWOP NT is a peer based health promotion service that engages sex workers and other sex industry stakeholders within the Northern Territory to work safely with competence in knowledge of the industry's legal and Work Health & Safety requirements.
Garramilla - Darwin (peer workers)
Phone: (08) 8944 7777
Mobile: 0447 022 332
Monday – Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
Located in the NTAHC building
1 Searcy Street, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 2826, Darwin NT 0801
Mparntwe - Alice Springs
(SWOP Shop only)
SWOP Shop only. There is no peer in Alice Springs, but you can ask staff to call through to the Darwin Office.
Phone: (08) 8953 3172
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Closed for lunch from midday
Shop 3 Reg Harris Lane, Todd Mall, Alice Springs NT 0870
PO Box 2461 Alice Springs NT 0871
Western Australia

Magenta offers support, health services, education and information to female, male and transgender workers in the sex industry. Magenta provides outreach and in-house services to sex workers in commercial sexual services and small owner operated businesses.
Phone: (08) 9328 1387
Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am – 4pm
Whadjuk Nyoongar Country
170 Aberdeen St, Northbridge WA 6000
PO Box 8054 Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Western Australia

Sex Work, Education, Advocacy & Rights WA is a sex worker activist group campaigning for law reform of the sex industry in this state. (general) (peer support)
Touching Base Inc

Touching Base is a charitable organisation, developed out of the need to assist people with disability and sex workers to connect with each other, focusing on access, discrimination, human rights and legal issues and the attitudinal barriers that these two marginalised communities can face.
Mobile: 0424 591 409
PO Box 523, Newtown NSW 2042
Debby Doesn’t Do It For Free

Debby Doesn’t Do It For Free is an Australian sex worker art and performance collective established in 2002.