Scarlet Alliance

Become a Member

Scarlet Alliance is the national peak sex worker organisation campaigning for sex worker health, rights and safety. We are run by sex workers, for sex workers. By joining today you’ll not only be supporting our work, but also helping to steer the direction of the Alliance. Membership is only open to current and former sex workers in Australia who support Scarlet Alliance’s mission and purposes. Sex workers who are also sex industry managers, receptionists, or who otherwise have control over the work of another sex worker are not eligible to apply.

You can choose how much you pay for your membership, from free (fee waiver) to $110. You are required to renew each year, and will select how much you wish to pay for that year. Payment can be made online (our preferred option), or offline (bank transfer only). Every dollar from your membership will go towards our ongoing advocacy for the health, rights and safety of all sex workers and help us to fund programs and services that are critical to our vision of an Australia where we all are able to do our jobs and live our lives freely without discrimination.

Member Benefits

Member Application Process

Applying does not automatically grant you membership. After you submit your application your moving member will be contacted via email to check that they agree to move your membership. If you do not know a current member to move your application, there is an option to be contacted by the Scarlet Alliance office to verify that you are eligible. Next, the Scarlet Alliance Committee reviews all applicants in their monthly meeting and decides whether to admit or reject each application. The decision of the committee members is final.

If your application is approved, you will then receive an email to finalise your membership, which includes making payment (or selecting the fee waiver option). We accept online (preferred) and offline (bank transfer only) payments. Please do not make membership payments via GiveNow or bank account details you may have used in the past. You will not be a member of Scarlet Alliance until you complete this step.

Memberships are annual from the date of when you finalise your membership. You will receive an annual renewal notification that will require you to confirm that you wish to remain a member, and select the annual fee you wish to make. If you do not renew your membership, it will be suspended 2 months after the due date, and you will cease to be a member 1 month later (3 months after the renewal date) if it remains unrenewed.

Membership details, including the name and contact details you choose to have your membership recorded under, are stored on our membership register in the cloud. We take all reasonable steps to protect your information, and will report any data breaches that occur.