Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet News:

Motions passed at the March 2024 General Meeting

Mar 29, 2024 | News

At the General Meeting held 29 March 2024, Scarlet Alliance members passed the following motions.

Motion 1: International Working Women’s Day

That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc:

  1. Recognises International Working Women’s Day protests and celebrations as a radical declaration for feminist liberation set on the anniversary of the 1857 women’s garment workers strike in New York.
  2. Recognises that women’s and labour rights are central to the sex worker movement.
  3. Encourages sex worker contingents to attend local International Working Women’s Day events that align with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  4. Collaborates with local sex workers and those involved with International Working Women’s Day events, where possible, to publish related content on Scarlet Alliance social media that aligns with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  5. Publishes this motion on its website and in a newsletter directed to its members.

Motion 2: May Day

That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc:

  1. Recognises May Day as an international day of significance for the sex worker movement, a day to commemorate and protest for worker rights and demonstrate solidarity with all workers.
  2. Encourages sex worker contingents to attend local May Day events that align with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  3. Collaborates with local sex workers and those involved with May Day events, where possible, to publish content on Scarlet Alliance social media that aligns with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  4. Publishes this motion on its website and in a newsletter directed to members.

Motion 3: Trans Day of Resistance/Remembrance

That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc:

  1. Recognises Trans Day of Resistance and Trans Day of Remembrance annually, commemorating trans lives lost and celebrating the strength of the trans community.
  2. Urges organisers of TDoR events to recognise and acknowledge the intersection with sex work, and the leadership of trans sex workers, and platform the voices of trans sex workers in TDoR events.
  3. Encourages sex worker contingents to attend local TDoR events  that align with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  4. Collaborates with local sex workers and those involved with TDoR events, where possible, to publish content on Scarlet Alliance social media that aligns with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  5. Publishes this motion on its website, and in a newsletter directed to members.

Motion 4: Support for Palestine

That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc:

  1. Demands an immediate suspension of all Israeli hostilities throughout Palestine.
  2. Demands an immediate end to the blockade of Gaza and the restoration of  food, medicine, fuel and humanitarian supplies, so that power and critical health, water and other infrastructure can be restored immediately.
  3. Demands an end to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land by the state of Israel, an end to apartheid and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, and for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees.
  4. Joins and supports the international Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the state of Israel, similar to actions used against the former Apartheid regime of South Africa.
  5. Is against all forms of Antisemitism and Islamophobia, and will actively campaign against discrimination in all forms.
  6. Supports, and publicises to its membership community protests that align with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values, in solidarity with Palestinians’ struggle for land and justice. Condemns the Australian government’s ongoing financial and political support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and calls on the Australian government to break all military ties with Israel.
  7. Signs onto the Joint Statement Solidarity with Palestine and adds the link to the statement in its Linktree.
  8. Shares the Union members in solidarity with Palestine petition with members, supporting them to sign on and listing their membership with Scarlet Alliance if they want to, and signs on as an organisation.
  9. Publishes this motion on its website and in a newsletter directed to members.

Motion 5: Statement of Solidarity

That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc:

  1. Stands alongside and within union, worker, women’s, LGBTIQA+, migrant, disability, people who use drugs , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and people of colour movements and resistance, and is committed to working in solidarity with these and other movements that align with Scarlet Alliance’s objects and values.
  2. Posts the above statement on its website until a more comprehensive statement of solidarity is developed to replace it.
  3. Develops a clear process for rally and other movement-building organisers to seek the formal endorsement of Scarlet Alliance through its committee to go alongside the statement of solidarity.