by Tom | Jun 4, 2009 | Media release, News
As part of International Whores Day celebrations, Adelaide sex workers and their supporters’ including other sex industry staff, health professionals, friends, family and clients of sex workers will take to the streets of Adelaide on Friday afternoon 5th June...
by Tom | May 31, 2009 | Media release, News
Sex workers are outraged that theyare being enormously overcharged for advertising. Sexworker Ivy McIntosh says “I’m paying too much for a measly two inches. Sex work is legal in NSW. Why am I charged hundreds of dollars toadvertise in local papers when...
by Tom | May 28, 2009 | Media release, News
“Scarlet Alliance welcomes the Sex Industry Offences Act 2005 review recommendations. Recognition that a funded sex worker organisation is desperately needed in Tasmania is supported by our own findings and previous government reports. Targeted resources on...
by Tom | May 22, 2009 | Media release, News
Scarlet Alliance has been contacted this morning by sex workers who are furious about the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal advertisement in today’s press. "The Salvation Army has shamefully chosen to capitalise on stigma against sex workers in its...
by Tom | Dec 1, 2008 | Media release, News
Sex Workers Demand Anti-Discrimination Protections: Australian Sex Workers Association National Conference in Brisbane, November 2008 Scarlet Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association, holds its national meeting in Brisbane this week, with sex workers attending...