Community Briefing: Monkeypox info for sex workers

Community Briefing: Monkeypox info for sex workers

Monkeypox was first reported in Australia on 20 May 2022. Information about monkeypox is rapidly-changing as the outbreak unfolds and case numbers increase, so please continue to monitor health information. Scarlet Alliance will continue to provide updates as they...

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Paid opportunity: sex worker groups case study

Paid opportunity: sex worker groups case study

Are you a sex worker collective, group, community or cooperative in so-called Australia interested in getting paid to feature your work in our online Peer Educator Training Program? Big or small, formal or informal, if you’re a group led by sex workers, we’re interested in hearing from you.

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SANF22 Save the Date!

SANF22 Save the Date!

Save the date for this year's National Forum! #SANF22 will be held 8-10 November 2022 in Naarm (Melbourne), and you'll also be able to attend online and from local hubs around the country hosted by our member organisations. Stay tuned for more updates. The Scarlet...

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Scarlet Alliance Communications Survey 2022

Scarlet Alliance Communications Survey 2022

We're updating our communications channels and we need to know how sex workers want to interact with us online! How do you get information from Scarlet Alliance? How would you like to stay connected? How can we do better? Whether it's accessing information on our...

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Now hiring: Operations Manager & Policy Officer

Now hiring: Operations Manager & Policy Officer

Scarlet Alliance is hiring! Are you our next Policy Officer or Operations Manager? Want to be a part of the work of your national sex worker peer organisation? Get your CVs polished up and show us your stuff! As a sex worker peer organisation, we make these positions...

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Scarlet Alliance and SIN joint statement

Scarlet Alliance and SIN joint statement

Scarlet Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association, and SIN, the South Australian peer sex worker organisation, refute the comments made by SAPOL commissioner, Grant Stevens, in the InDaily article published on the 19th August, 2021. In the article, as well as...

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