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International Whores Day

1 June 2023 - 2 June 2023

“Migrant sex workers need increased access to safe migration pathways. However, instead of creating safer migration channels for migrant sex workers, the Australian anti-trafficking response has made it more difficult by increasing border security and implementing stricter visa conditions. Making migration more difficult for migrant sex workers increases vulnerabilities to trafficking. Immigration restrictions impede regular migration for many seeking a better life or working conditions. The Palmero Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime (the Protocol) highlights the need to discourage the demand that fosters exploitation that leads to trafficking. Increasing immigration scrutiny and reducing legitimate migration pathways in effect, feeds this demand. Increasing access to legal channels for migrant sex workers to independently enter Australia reduces that potential avenue for exploitation.”
Listen to migrant sex workers speak 3CR
Lobby, Stop companies using the modern slavery act to discriminate against sex workers
Act, organise a sex worker sensitivity training for your team
Learn about migrant sex workers' research

Resources about Canada laws & policies impacting migrant sex workers:

 Butterfly‘s report Behind The Rescue: How Anti-Trafficking Investigations and Policies Harm Migrant Sex Workers

 Butterfly‘s report Caught in the Carceral Web: Anti-Trafficking Laws and Policies and Their Impacts on Migrant Sex Workers

 A Pathway to End Violence Against Migrant Sex Workers: Access, Safety, Dignity and Justice from Butterfly Asian and Migrant Sex Worker Support Network

WORK PERMIT RESTRICTION ON “EMPLOYMENT IN BUSINESSES RELATED TO THE SEX-TRADE Submitted to Parliament by Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network) June 2018

SWAN Vancouver’s video Harming while trying to help

SWAN Vancouver. Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations Sex Work Prohibition: Analysis & Recommendations.

SWAN Vancouver: Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations Sex Work Prohibition. Analysis: Charter Violations to Human Trafficking: Dispossession, Colonial Violence, and Resistance among Indigenous and Racialized Women by Julie Kaye

Report and executive summary of law reform recommendations by the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform

Resources about NZ laws & policies impacting migrant sex workers:

Armstrong, L. (2018). Almost legal: migrant sex work in New Zealand. openDemocracy. [online] 6 Jun.

Armstrong, L. (2018). New Zealand. In: Sex Workers Organising for Change: Self-representation, community mobilisation, and
working conditions.


1 June 2023
2 June 2023
Event Category: