Respect Inc is now holding a monthly, stripper-only sharing circle! These groups will be facilitated with a peer educator. Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month, 4-5pm, both online and in the Meanjin office.
SWOP NSW are very excited to invite the sex working community to our Anti-Discrimination Forum and Social Event! This is a s3x w0rker only event. Join us at The Bearded Tit at 6pm on the 11th of April for food, drinks, goodies, games, workshops and explainers. Together we can change our future! Registrations including dietaries/accessibility/language for translation are available here:
Are you a current or former sex worker who wants to connect with other workers and learn skills in peer education? Join us at Vixen for our monthly peer education training group!
Anyone who has done any kind of sex work for any amount of time is welcome! No previous study experience required.
Come in for supplies, a chat, cup of tea, or join us monthly and bring a plate for Tea and Tarts (sex worker only, current and retired). There is an entrance off Florence Street (main road), and a second entrance and parking around the back off McLeod Street.
As sex workers, we know we are the safer sex experts - so what better way to learn and refresh our knowledge by sharing with our peers! At this skill-share we will be discussing the signs, symptoms, transmission, and treatment options of STI’s and BBV's – using Scarlet Alliance’s Redbook online as a tool.