Scarlet Alliance

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SWOP NSW Letter Writing Workshop


Learn how to write to you local MPs to advocate for anti-discrimination measures for sex workers in NSW.

Scarlet Alliance General Meeting


In accordance with clause 10.2 of the Scarlet Alliance constitution, the Scarlet Alliance Committee gives notice of a General Meeting to be held as follows: Time: 4-6pm (Sydney time) Date: Friday 29 March 2024 Place: Online, Zoom link provided upon registration On 8 March 2024 all members received the Notice of Meeting which includes information on steps and timelines for participation in the General Meeting, including registration information, delegate nomination form (for member and associate member organisations), and proxy form (if required). The Notice of Meeting also includes motions that the Scarlet Alliance Committee is proposing to membership, a proposed new Credentialing Tool, and a special resolution that amends the definition of Associate Member Organisation in the Scarlet Alliance Constitution to align with the updated Credentialing Tool. If you are a member and did not receive the Notice of Meeting, please email us.

SIN Mt Gambier Outreach

South Australia

SIN will be doing a regional outreach in Mt Gambier on April 3rd to April 4th

Respect QLD Regional Outreach

Townsville Townsville, QLD

Respect QLD will be conducting regional outreach in Townsville from 8th to 10th April. Contact Ella: 0476 214 051

SWOP NSW Central Coast Outreach

Central Coast NSW, Australia

Our outreach team will be on the Central Coast on April 9th! Please get in touch with Rosie if you’d like a visit: 0426 968 892 or