AMSWAG Statement on Continued Deportation and Mistreatment of Asian Migrant Sex Workers
ABC News has reported on the story of Sonya, a transgender Filipina sex worker, who was profiled, detained, and deported by the Australian Border Force (ABF) in mid-February. Firstly, AMSWAG would like to commend Sonya’s decision to come forward to the media. It takes...
Asian migrant sex workers respond to unjust verdict on the death of Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon
Today, the Victorian Supreme Court accepted the plea deal struck between the Victorian police and the murderer of two Asian migrant sex workers, Yuqi Lou and Hyun Sook Jeon. This outcome is a disgrace to sex workers, migrants, and women everywhere, and reaffirms the dehumanisation sex workers in the legal framework.
Debunking the Porn Panic Webinar
The media is full of assumptions about the relationship between pornography and sexual violence, but where is the evidence? How do these conversations impact sex workers and how can we have more constructive conversations around these issues moving forward?
Exclusion of access to sex work services under the NDIS
Scarlet Alliance and Touching Base unequivocally reject Minister Bill Shorten’s public declaration to exclude access to sex work services under the NDIS. We are currently engaging with allied peer and peak disability organisations, policy makers and media…
Deepfake Politics
Following the announcement of new Commonwealth criminal laws to ban the non-consensual sharing of sexually explicit material, including digitally manipulated deepfakes, sex workers and human rights advocates are left with more questions than answers.
Porn in the Media
Porn, age verification and gendered violence has been in the media a lot recently. In response we’ve launched our Porn and Age Verification page. Check it out for our position on porn and age verification, and what the implications for sex workers are.
Virtual elimination of HIV transmission within reach after Budget
Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association and the National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) strongly endorse the Albanese Government's Budget commitment to drive the virtual elimination of HIV transmission and improve quality of life for...
AMSWAG Statement on the ‘Rescue Industry’
The ‘rescue industry’ – including multiple rescue organisations – seek to use our experiences to campaign against sex work, earning legitimacy by using our stories and competing for funding that could have gone to peer organisations such as Scarlet Alliance and Vixen. Sex worker-led spaces are safe places for our community, whereas rescue organisations are not.
SWOP NSW and Scarlet Alliance condemn gratuitous and irresponsible reporting on sex work
There is a current and deeply concerning media trend that places excessive, unnecessary, and stigmatising focus on sex work, at the expense of meaningful discussion about the significant issues that Australia is currently facing.
Motions passed at the March 2024 General Meeting
At the General Meeting held 29 March 2024, Scarlet Alliance members passed the following motions. Motion 1: International Working Women’s Day That Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association Inc: Recognises International Working Women’s Day protests and...