Publications Library

Submission / National

"Submission on Mens Health" 2009

The current level of commonwealth, state and other funding addressing men’s health issues does not adequately serve male sex workers. Sex Worker services require funding in order to deliver services and peer education to male sex workers. Australian sex workers have a...

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Submission / NSW

"Better Planning NSW" Submission 2009

The Scarlet Alliance applauds the NSW government’s initiative to consider if aspects of the NSW planning system need reform to ensure the right balance in achieving sustainable social and environmental outcomes. We support any initiative that seeks to understand how...

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Submission / National

"National Human Rights Consultation Submission" 2009

As part of a national human rights consultation, Scarlet Alliance submitted, focussing on advertising, entrapment, mandatory testing, discrimination against people living with HIV, stigma, vilification in the media and discriminatory treatment by commercial and...

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Submission / VIC

"Submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria" June 2009

Scarlet Alliance recommends the decriminalisation of all private sex work, removing requirements to register with the Business Licensing Authority or lodge development approvals with their local council. Scarlet Alliance supports a reduction in all licensing costs and...

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Submission / QLD

Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, Crimson Coalition & United Sex Workers North Queensland, "Submission to SWAN Review of Sex Workers Services in Queensland" May 2008

The process used to prepare this submission was highly consultative, and followed the best practice models of sex worker engagement in policy and advocacy that Scarlet Alliance believes delivers highly effective outcomes. Sex workers in Queensland were invited to...

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