SIN and Scarlet Alliance Joint Media Release

SIN and Scarlet Alliance Joint Media Release

Sex workers devastated as South Australian Lower House vote against industrial, health and human rights for sex workers.Sex workers in South Australia and throughout Australia are heartbroken after the Members of the House of Assembly turned their backs on the rights...

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NT Sex Industry Bill

Today the Economic Policy and Scrutiny Committee will be holding a public hearing into the Northern Territory Sex Industry Bill, 2019. This public hearing will provide further opportunity for sex workers through the Sex Worker Reference Group (SWRG), the SWOP NT and...

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Scarlet Alliance and SWOP NSW Joint Statement

Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association and Sex Workers Outreach Project of NewSouth Wales (SWOP) extend our sincere condolences to those affected by the murder committed inyesterday’s Clarence Street attack in Sydney. The sex worker community is...

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