This submission urges against prosecution approaches to trafficking in Victoria, written by a working party of Scarlet Alliance volunteers. At least 0.5% of the migrant workforce globally experiences trafficking or slavery-like conditions. This is indisputable and...
Publications Library
"Better Planning NSW" Submission 2009
The Scarlet Alliance applauds the NSW government’s initiative to consider if aspects of the NSW planning system need reform to ensure the right balance in achieving sustainable social and environmental outcomes. We support any initiative that seeks to understand how...
VIXEN "National Human Rights Consultation Submission" 2009
Vixen is the Victorian Sex Industry Network. We are a network of sex workers who meet regularly to discuss and be proactive about issues affecting our lives. We aim to create a fun and sex worker safe space that celebrates our work, who we are and what we have in...
"National Human Rights Consultation Submission" 2009
As part of a national human rights consultation, Scarlet Alliance submitted, focussing on advertising, entrapment, mandatory testing, discrimination against people living with HIV, stigma, vilification in the media and discriminatory treatment by commercial and...
"NSW Advertising Submission" June 2009
"Submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria" June 2009
Scarlet Alliance recommends the decriminalisation of all private sex work, removing requirements to register with the Business Licensing Authority or lodge development approvals with their local council. Scarlet Alliance supports a reduction in all licensing costs and...
"Media Briefing Paper" 2009
• Mentioning specific trafficking cases in the media or research informs the alleged traffickers, families of victims, and authorities of the informant’s identity. • The Australian Guidelines for NGO’s Working With Trafficked People recommends “Staff and volunteers at...
Crimson Coalition "Police Move On Powers Submission" Feb 2009
Crimson Coalition is very concerned about the way in which the current legislation is framed. We wonder why sex workers are singled out for mention in a separate clause of the legislation (s46[5]), above all other categories of persons in society who may be subjected...
Scarlet Alliance "Submission to the Sex Industry Act Review" Tasmania November 2008
In November 2008 Scarlet Alliance conducted a brief questionnaire with sex workers to get direct feedback about the Tasmanian Sex Industry Offences Act and its impact on sex workers. Sex workers were selected to include representation from all the major regional areas...
Jeffreys, Elena “Migrant Sex Workers Research in Australia” November 2008
Chinese and Thai migrant sex workers are enjoying their time in Australia, and seeing it a profitable destination within our region. While most are travelling for sex work for the first time; the age, life experience, language skills, and educational levels show that...
Jeffreys, Li and Liu "Chinese Sex Workers In Australia Needs Analysis – 2006 – 2007" Poster, Mexico 2008
In April 2006 Zi Teng (Hong Kong) approached Scarlet Alliance to assist with a survey of Chinese Sex Workers in Australia. The Scarlet Migration Working Party Chinese-Speaking sub-committee focus tested and amended the survey, & produced Chinese language consent...
Kane Matthews, Scarlet Alliance "The National Needs Assessment of sex workers who live with HIV" 2008
This report reflects our needs and issues. The development of this project occured under the supervision and direction of Scarlet Alliance with the assistance of social researcher Eva Cox, and the NAPWA advisory position. It was developed and executed by and on behalf...